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Alexander Haque

Co-Founder at Clerk Chat

How to Ask Customers for Reviews?

How to Ask Customers for Reviews?

Business development is not an easy task. Your team has to deal with many tasks and problems that need to be solved quickly and efficiently. The same goes for online projects. You can think over everything, set up remote work using modern tools (for example, Slack, Twilio, Notion, Clerk, etc.), but this still does not guarantee your success. One of the most important stages in the development of any project is high-quality communication with current and potential clients. More realistically, your users’ reviews play a key role here.

Benefits of getting feedback

Many startups underestimate the value of feedback on their project. People think: “If they want, they will leave a couple of reviews.” But in fact, user opinions are one of the most effective marketing tools, which are successfully used to promote the project and make a profit in the future.

Reviews are a great tool, which helps customers evaluate the level of services provided, product quality, delivery options, and much more. According to many studies, 7 out of 10 customers pay attention to the reviews of other users before ordering a product or service. In this way, testimonials may remove the doubts of potential customers and help your project grow. Don’t forget about reputation, which is also heavily influenced by user reviews. Moreover, it works in all spheres of human activity, so no matter what direction your business is - IT segment, service sector, online store, private medical practice - customer reviews are very important!

How to ask for a review?

It should be noted right away that only correct reviews work correctly: from real customers, with real text and emotions, possibly with grammatical and punctuation errors. Fake reviews will not have the desired effect or the effect will be negative.

Unfortunately, on their own initiative, dissatisfied customers most often leave a review, and satisfied customers are in no hurry to share their positive experience. To avoid this, you need to motivate satisfied customers to share their thoughts. How to do it?

Use email

Email is the easiest way to get customer feedback. In any letter addressed to the client, you need to place a request to leave feedback on your work with a link to the desired page. The most effective will, of course, be messages that the client reads after receiving the product or service. If the text is motivating, and the messages arrive at the right time, there will be quite a lot of positive comments.

Just don’t use automatic mailing. The more your email looks like a template, the less you want to leave a review. To get the best out of your email, send out personalized messages.

Telephone survey

It’s not the most popular, but a very effective way. If you are interviewing customers by phone, then at the end of the conversation you can ask for permission to post the conversation with the customer on the testimonial page. Phone reviews look as natural as possible. They convey the real emotions of your client. If you simply ask the consumer to write a review on your page, then the comment can hurt future customers. In the case of a telephone, the operator may ask leading questions to make the review more informative.

Slack SMS - Send a Review
Slack SMS - Send a Review

Use SMS messaging

You can ask the client to write a review in an SMS message containing a link to the desired page. This can be a Google or Yelp review. With Clerk its easy to send sms from Slack. Such types of interactions are particularly effective with the younger audience.

Collecting reviews using SMS is similar to sending an email. That is, sending SMS should be tied to some positive events for users. To get people to leave a review, use the following three powerful methods:

Request. Prepare a short text message stating the importance of the customer’s opinion to you. For example:

Dear Peter Taylor, we thank you for using our service! Help us become better! Rate our work by clicking on the link: ...

Reward. Invite the client to leave feedback for a specific bonus or discount. It will encourage the client to come back. For example:

We thank you for choosing us! Rate the quality of the purchased product following the link:… and get a 10% discount on your next purchase!

Competition. It’s another effective way to generate reviews. You can run a competition for the best review or interesting story. However, make sure the gift is truly valuable to the winner. Here’s an example of an SMS message:

Thank you for being a regular customer….! Take part in the competition for the most original review by clicking on the link:… Become a winner and get our premium subscription for free!

As you see, there is nothing complicated about SMS-mailing. The main thing is to tie text messages to some pleasant events for your users.

Push notifications

Send push notifications to your customers. These are pop-up windows, which users see on their device connected to the Internet. However, you should keep in mind that people usually have a negative attitude towards such alerts. Therefore, use Push Notifications appropriately, with care, and only with the customer’s permission. In this case, the notification must contain a link to the page with reviews.

Use the right apps to achieve your goals!

Today, the development of any project is impossible without the use of special programs and tools, which fit the work of team members. And the correct use of such tools is the key to success and development.

To promote goods and services, you may use a variety of marketing tools: social networks advertising, website page banners, email newsletters, etc. But, when the budget is small and there are no professional marketers in the team, then there is a simple and effective solution. This is an SMS mailing.

SMS bulk messaging helps to solve several problems at once: finding new customers and driving them to the company’s website or call center. How to make a quick and inexpensive bulk SMS? Everything is very simple.

Use Slack with custom integrations like Clerk, for example. It is a VoIP service, which enhances communication capabilities between team members using voice calls, SMS, etc. At the same time, you can use Clerk for bulk SMS to attract potential customers.

Use modern software correctly and grow your business with Clerk Slack SMS!

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