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Alexander Haque

Co-Founder at Clerk Chat

How this startup is using Slack SMS for customer support

How this startup is using Slack SMS for customer support

Clerk’s mission is to connect businesses and their customers through real-time SMS and MMS messaging in Slack. Lemon from Heaven, an online teaching platform, has been using Clerk and Slack to power its entire operation, especially customer service.

Who is Lemon from Heaven?

Lemon from Heaven is a startup that is handling the behind-the-scenes technology for instructors across the world to bring their classes to video. Fitness instructors, makeup artists, musicians – their vision is to make an online instructional video platform accessible to all. Currently, much of their customer base is fitness instructors who use their platform to promote their online workouts. Lemon from Heaven hosts the video, collects payment from the fitness instructors’ customers, and pays out to the instructors.

How Lemon from Heaven Uses Clerk and Slack

When offering live classes, instant communication between Lemon from Heaven and their instructors is critical to success. Any customer support issues that arise in the few minutes before a class starts need to be addressed immediately. Clerk and Slack have facilitated addressed this need and helped Lemon from Heaven provide superior customer service to their instructors.

Because of Clerk and Slack, the instructors can easily text the Lemon from Heaven team in the minutes before a class. On Lemon from Heaven’s end, that text feeds directly into their Slack, where all their other company discussions already happen. Now, no matter who is working customer service, the issue is immediately responded to. Plus, the interaction can easily be seen by all other Lemon from Heaven employees, helping the entire team learn how to resolve customer support issues and providing visibility for leadership into the user experience. That visibility that Clerk has provided into customer support has helped the company grow and improve.

Lemon from Heaven also uses Clerk to support their internal communication. Employees can easily “text” other staff from Slack, for when that employee may not be at their desk and a text message will be seen more quickly than a Slack message. In the COVID-19 world, this is especially invaluable for keeping their team connected.

Text Messaging in Slack

Lemon from Heaven was looking for one business phone number that could receive SMS and MMS messages, but could be seen by all employees. Clerk isn’t the only option out there, but for companies using Slack already, it provides a much-needed, easy-to-use service.

Employees have enough programs already, between email, website back-end, CRMs… the list goes on. Adding a feature, like Clerk for Slack, instead of a new program entirely is a breath of fresh air for employees. They do not have to have another tab open or download another app. They do not have to learn a new interface or remember to check the notifications. With Clerk, your business phone SMS and MMS is directly in Slack, your main communication channel. Clerk is instantaneous and easily seen, so it’s clear when a customer service request comes in. No more missed or delayed responses. Plus, it provides all of the features of Slack for your business phone line, like search and storage.

For Lemon from Heaven, Clerk has enabled them to support their customers quickly and effectively, so they can grow and help their instructors provide a fantastic user experience to their end customers.

At the core of what Lemon from Heaven seeks to achieve is the use of technology behind the scenes to make the results accessible to all. Clerk helps us to do this… as our needs have evolved, I’ve also seen the features of Clerk evolve similarly… confirming the importance of supporting an up and coming business who supports our up and coming business!

Lemon from Heaven founder

With Clerk, businesses can provide superior customer service with SMS and MMS messaging in Slack. Ready to learn more about how Clerk works? Check out all the features Clerk has to offer your growing business.

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Thousands of businesses are already experiencing the power of conversational messaging through SMS. Join us. Free trial and paid tiers available.

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