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Alexander Haque Co-Founder at Clerk Chat
Alexander Haque

Co-Founder at Clerk Chat

The Most Popular and Effective Slack Wikis

The Most Popular and Effective Slack Wikis

Modern challenges require modern solutions. Digital technologies help us overcome the most difficult situations. Would you believe 10 years ago that working remotely could be as effective as working in the office? Today it is so. More and more companies, including small and large ones, are moving to a new working format. A lot of people prefer to work remotely and many employers support this new trend!

Such a transition of people from offices to remote work, without losing efficiency, became possible thanks to the development and implementation of special teamwork programs. Slack rightfully occupies a leading position in the segment. Today Slack is a convenient and effective task manager, which is already used by tens of millions of clients from all over the world, including large companies. Slack has a wide range of tools for organizing workflow and communication between team members.

It is worth highlighting a few points, which make the communication tool so effective and popular. First, there is a full-fledged free working version with an unlimited period. Of course, in order to take advantage of all the available features, you need to choose from several very affordable paid plans. Secondly, Slack has the ability to integrate with various applications, which complement its functionality.

One of these teamwork add-ons is wikis software, or simply wikis. We have tested various wikis for Slack and prepared the most effective and useful ones that really improve your remote work efficiency! Let’s take a closer look at them.

List of the most useful and effective Wikis for Slack

First, let’s answer the question: “What is wiki software?” In short, a collection of collaboration tools allows users to create and edit a variety of content through a single workspace. Since Slack has the ability to integrate third-party applications into its environment, you can install additional software, including wiki applications, which are tailored specifically for your industry. By adding Slack to an existing wiki project, you can access the entire knowledge base without leaving the conversation. This kind of integration greatly improves remote work, making your teamwork more efficient. We invite you to pay attention to the following Slack’s wikis.


Notion is an application for creating text documents, to-do lists, notes, databases, spreadsheets, kanban boards, etc. The software provides tools for project management and teamwork. The functionality allows you not to jump between the tabs of various services, and have everything you need in one place. Notion has a free plan, which is great for both personal use and beginner projects. Integration with Slack allows you to send changes and updates on any Notion page directly to the selected channel of the task manager. We use Notion internally at Clerk and love it.


Slicki is a popular Slack’s wiki software. Slicki integrates directly into Slack. It allows team members to work with information right in the Slack environment. What benefits will you get?

  • Easy access to information
  • Working with knowledge bases
  • Managing tasks using wiki pages
  • Create documentation based on posts in Slack channels
  • Simple rights management
  • Work on all devices, including gadgets and much more

It’s worth noting that Slicki has a 30 day free trial. During this time, you have access to all the features of the software. Be sure to give Slicki a try and decide whether to use paid mode or not.


Tettra is another popular wiki for Slack, which stands out from the competition with its simple and free plan. The main feature of Tettra is the option to document things and tasks, which require a more detailed description.

Tettra Slack Wiki
Tettra Slack Wiki

This wiki has great integration with Slack as well as other useful applications like GoogleDocs, GitHub, Zapier, etc. Choosing Tettra gives you an easy-to-use editor of content editing. It’s an amazing Slack wiki for a small team.


Using Slack and looking for a wiki app? Pay attention to the simple, but at the same time effective and well-crafted software, known as SlimWiki. Perfectly working integration will allow team members to easily manage images, videos, attachments, and of course text content. SlimWiki provides great features, among which the unique ones should be highlighted:

  • Detailed history of changes to all wiki pages. You can always check what changes a particular team member made
  • Full control over page visibility. You can make a limitation for a specific team member if needed

Unfortunately, the free version only exists for 3 users. But this is enough to evaluate the product and either choose a different one or buy a subscription.


Obie has the most powerful Slack integration. This wiki software has excellent functionality that expands the capabilities of remote teamwork. It is important to note that Obie divides all knowledge formats into two types:

  • Knowledge Base is a classic wiki format for information processing. You can work with text, embed pictures, GIFs, videos, web pages and much more
  • FAQs are a unique format for storing unstyled content. Each team member has quick access to the categories in this section
Obie Slack Wiki
Obie Slack Wiki

Do you already have information in various applications (e.g. Google Drive, Evernote, etc.)? Don’t worry. Obie software binds all databases in one place to improve the quality of your work! You can access the shared database directly from Slack! Obie is the choice for professionals and really big teams.

There are actually many more wikis out there with all the pros and cons. But we have reviewed and selected the most popular and proven applications. Moreover, the above wikis for Slack have either free or trial versions. You can try each one and choose the most suitable software without paying a cent! Don’t hesitate, feel free to integrate wikis with Slack and use them to achieve new success!

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