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Alexander Haque

Co-Founder at Clerk Chat

SMS Auto Reply Examples to Boost Your Business

SMS Auto Reply Examples to Boost Your Business

Use Clerk with SMS auto-reply!

Nowadays the development of a business or a startup is impossible without the use of modern communication tools and applications. Managers pay a lot of attention to teamwork organization, using communication systems such as Slack. But many forget about an important component of any project - communication with clients, consumers of their services or product. Competent and timely communication with clients is one of the key pillars of success and profit! New startups often face a problem when users turn to competitors without receiving a response to their request quickly enough. How to avoid a similar situation and save your reputation? Very simple, use SMS auto-reply together with Clerk!

What is SMS auto-reply?

SMS auto reply allows you to send pre-prepared personalized phrases in response to customer messages without human intervention. This automatic process helps build relationships with users, increase their loyalty to the company and nudge them to take a certain action. This is especially true in the early stages of interaction. The SMS auto reply mechanism in Clerk is quite simple. When a client sends a message, the system reacts to certain words or phrases and sends a previously prepared relevant response.

Any successful businessman will tell you: “Quick answers can be a decisive factor for a future client.” Therefore, companies have long been using voicemail and ready-to-use email responses. However, this approach is losing its effectiveness. Studies show that people are better able to perceive information through small text messages, for example, through sms and mms. That is why SMS auto-reply has already become the most popular and effective tool for communicating with potential users!

What are the benefits of SMS auto-reply?

Are you keeping up with the times? Then you are most likely already using Slack for teamwork and the development of your project. Pay attention to Clerk, it will greatly expand your capabilities. This Slack bot will not only simplify communication within the team but also significantly expand the opportunities for interaction with customers. By using SMS auto-reply, you’ll receive important advantages over your competitors:

  • Convenient communication. A small message is easier understood than a large one sent via voice or email
  • Your client will never be abandoned. The client will receive a response to any request. The sooner he receives it, the higher he’ll rate your company. The user will be sure that he is in good hands, even if he has not yet spoken to the real person
  • High audience coverage. Users get immediate access to the latest news and information regardless your business type
  • Opportunity to relax. SMS auto reply allows you to be in touch 24/7 and relieves the manager from the routine, who no longer has to spend time answering the same questions

SMS auto-reply has many more benefits. Try Clerk SMS and see for yourself!

Use Clerk to communicate with clients!

Clerk is the best Slack app with business SMS response capabilities. Setting up auto-replies is an important step in attracting customers and increasing your bottom line. The main goal in compiling them is to avoid stamps and hackneyed phrases, which may seem like spam to the user. Be sure to prepare SMS manually and make them as versatile as possible. Mistakes often occur when the behavior of your customers is not taken into account when creating phrases. To avoid this, study the users’ needs, highlight what is most important to them. And also keep in mind that the shorter the SMS, the more efficiently it works.

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We have prepared several scripts and SMS auto-reply examples to show their usefulness in real business.

Basic greeting

This is the first message, which customers see when they contact you. The text contains basic information about your business - activities, working hours, etc.

Slack SMS - Welcome Message
Slack SMS - Welcome Message

Hello! Thank you for reaching out to {business name}. We are open Monday through Saturday from 8 am to 6 pm PST. Thank you for being a loyal customer.

Thank you for reaching out to us through our sms hotline. We cannot wait to show you everything we have to offer. A member of our team will follow up soon, but please take the opportunity to learn more about us here: {link}.

Sales auto-replies

Small text messages are ideal for selling your products or service. SMS auto-reply ensures that the client receives a quick response to help him or her make a decision. The main thing is to make these messages attractive to people so that they are interested in your offer.

Slack SMS Keywords - Autoreply
Slack SMS Keywords - Autoreply

Hello! Welcome to {Business Name}. Today we have a special SMS promotion! Get our {product} at half the price. If you want to learn more about the promotion just text us back!

Hi {Customer’s Name}! We just want to remind you about your appointment tomorrow at {time} {address}. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Hi {Patient Name}! Thank you for visiting our office today. We hope you had a pleasant experience at our office. Your opinion matters a lot to us. If you have a few minutes please leave a review here {link}.

Communication after-hours business

Tell customers when to contact you if your business is closed on certain days or hours.

Slack SMS - Operating Hours
Slack SMS - Operating Hours

Hello! We are glad to welcome you to our Shared innovation construction company. All day long we were looking for lucrative real estate offers, negotiating with suppliers and banks, arguing with foremen, and doing a hundred other useful things. Unfortunately, our working day is over. But don’t worry, tomorrow, from 9 am to 7 pm PST, we’ll answer all your questions!

Hello! You have called the “Clean motor” car service. Our employees also have parents, wives, and children. Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving together! Call us on a working day, November 26, and find out all the details. We are open from 8 am to 4 pm PST.

Good evening… or is it already night? In any case, all the employees of “Cash Without Problems” are already at home. We are resting, getting enough sleep before tomorrow to offer you deals, which you never dreamed of. Please contact us during business hours from 10 am to 7 pm. Thank you for understanding!

As you can see, there are infinitely many situations and examples. Confirm meetings, ask for feedback, offer promotions - the possibilities are endless. The text, first of all, depends on the type of your activity. But SMS auto-reply is an important component for the development of modern business. Don’t want to lag behind your competitors? Use Clerk, a simple yet functional tool, which offers unlimited possibilities for communicating via SMS.

Ready to use your business number for text messaging?

Thousands of businesses are already experiencing the power of conversational messaging through SMS. Join us. Free trial and paid tiers available.

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