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VoIP and Non-VoIP Phone Numbers for SMS Verification

  • By Team Clerk Chat

  • Published: May 11, 2021

Cybersecurity plays an important role in today’s high-tech world. Fraudsters invent hundreds of ways to steal personal data and use it for their selfish purposes. In response to this, electronic services apply additional measures to improve the security of customer data. One of the best methods for account login security is to use SMS multi-factor verification, or one-time passwords (OTP).

On the one hand, SMS verification works, reducing the likelihood of being hacked by fraudsters. But on the other hand, this leads to problems for businesses with a large customer base. If you ever need to share the logins across your online services for example Facebook, Instagram, Amazon Seller Central, it becomes very hard to do so. Since two-factor authentication requires access to a mobile device, it can be challenging to share your login with other people. Is there a solution to this problem? Of course, just use Clerk!

What are VoIP and real non-VoIP phone numbers?

Clerk allows you to receive verification codes from any online service and supports both virtual and non-VoIP phone numbers. It’s worth noting that many new users of VoIP and telecommunications do not always understand the difference between VoIP and non-VoIP phone numbers. Both options are real phone numbers assigned to the user by Clerk. However, non-VoIP is tied to a specific telephone line, for example, using a physical SIM card.

A VoIP number, also known as Voice over IP number, is a virtual phone number that works with most of the online services to receive one-time passwords (OTP), but not all. Many services can work with a virtual phone number via voice transcription.

Non-VoIP or Real phone numbers are usually required by highly sensitive websites such as banks, Facebook, Linkedin… This type of Clerk phone number will work with ALL online services.

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Why is it important?

Today, almost all electronic services use SMS verification to verify customer data. However, not all of them allow using a one-time password together with a VoIP phone number. For example, you need a real non-VoIP phone number to pass SMS verification on Facebook and Instagram.

What conclusion can be drawn from this? If you work with a large number of clients that require SMS verification (for example, Amazon consulting service), then your business should be able to effectively work with both types of phone numbers. Otherwise, you risk losing some of your customers, which will lead to loss of reputation and income.

SMS Verification - Non VoIP Phone Numbers
SMS Verification - Non VoIP Phone Numbers

Use a Clerk with all types of phone numbers!

VoIP telephony is interesting primarily for its opportunities for businesses that work remotely with a large client base. Clerk in Slack allows you to enjoy all the advantages of VoIP telephony in a tool that your team already uses. Together with Clerk, your project gets such important advantages as:

Low cost

The use of the Clerk significantly reduces the cost of communication, allowing you to spend money on the development of the project.

Multichannel support

You can simultaneously receive messages on one number and quickly switch between lines, which can be several hundred.

SMS Consolidation

Clerk is great for consolidating OTP checks. SMS verification from a large number of clients is no longer an unsolvable problem.

Work with VoIP and non-VoIP phone numbers

Clerk offers both VoIP and non-VoIP numbers. This feature makes Slack SMS indispensable for businesses with a large customer base.

Teamwork optimization

Do you work with hundreds of clients? I am sure it will be convenient for you to process their SMS verifications using one communication channel. These and other features make Clerk an indispensable add-on for Slack. After all, many organizations work to communicate with the client using calls and SMS, for example, delivery services, cargo transportation, online stores, crisis hotlines, and others. It is very difficult to outperform the competition without proper workflow optimization.

Do you want to successfully implement your ideas and do what you love? Clerk will help you in your endeavors!


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