Get a local Indiana phone number
The 219 area code is located in the northwest corner of Indiana and covers the cities of Gary and South Bend. It also includes the counties of Lake, Porter, and LaPorte.
Get a local numberAbout Indiana
The 219 area code was created in 1948 as part of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) and has since then provided communication services to the residents of the region. The 219 area code has undergone changes over the years, including the addition of an overlay code in 2002, but it continues to serve as a vital link for both personal and business communications in the area.
219 Area Code
The 219 area code serves the northwest region of Indiana, including cities like Gary, Hammond, and Valparaiso. Visitors to this area can expect to experience a mix of urban and suburban environments, with plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities, shopping, dining, and cultural events.
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Benefits of a Local Phone Number
There are several reasons why it can be beneficial for a business to have a local phone number.
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